To celebrate the good life at Yoga Rocks retreats here’s our #positivechangeretreat giveaway. In 2020 three free retreats were given away raising funds for tree planting.
***UPDATE*** The giveaway has finished. The three lucky winners were Marta M, Lorena and Chloe all of whom were delighted, as well as happily shocked. The live draw can be watched here on the Facebook Group
In 2020 we raised almost 2500 pounds for trees and with us matching your tree planting Eden Reforestation will plant in excess of 60000 trees. Truely INCREDIBLE!***
We have 3 fantastic new teachers on the schedule; Fleur, Sandra and Anastasis. We gave away a retreat with each of these. We were happy given the current climate (pun intended, cringe) to go for tree planting as our fundraiser. We’re ever grateful for all the support we’ve received from guests, team and teachers alike as well as the fulfillment and laughs. Let’s pay it back!
Anyone could join in – simply by donating to our or your chosen charity.
We didn’t give away a retreat with Greta but check this video to see why we decided to support trees this year! Read this great article in The Guardian: Tree planting has ‘mind blowing potential’ to tackle climate crisis.
We’ve chose Eden Reforestation after a look into a few tree planters. The idea is that they help reduce extreme poverty, employing locals to plant trees, increasing awareness of the local benefits and bringing the community into a stewardship relationship with the new forests. Those with the means who preferred to give to help people or animals or a different environmental organisation – let us know and were in the draw also 🙂
We fundraised through our JustGiving page.
How the giveaway will work and take place:
- Any donation or email requesting entry to a retreat week (Fleur, Anastasis, Sandra) will get a number allotted to the name/email.
- Entries must be recieved by midnight on the 29 January.
- On 30 Jan at 13.00 UK time, 14.00 CET, 15.00 Greek time hopefully live on our FB group we’ll use a random number generator to pick the lucky number and winner on each of the 3 retreats.
Small Print
- If you have already booked a retreat in 2020 with Yoga Rocks and you win a retreat in this competition you have two choices. You can choose to take the prize and come twice or you can get refunded on the holiday you have already paid for.
- You don’t have to donate to enter – you can write to us to be put in the draw.
- Sharing on social media gets an extra entry. Please let us know you’ve done this.
- Unlike last year where bigger donations meant more tickets and more chance of winning we’re giving an equal chance regardless of donation size – please don’t let this hold you back in your generosity 😉
- If you want to donate to elsewhere and be in the draw we love it. Let us know you’ve done this so we can give you a number.
- We’ll match all the donations on our JustGiving page tree for tree. Give generously make us pay.
In the past competitions we’ve asked for some personal change to improve the world around you and we’ve been touched by what has been achieved by folk of the back of this, genuinely incredible. While sending money doesn’t solve everything – it’s a different and possibly more direct approach that acknowledges what most of us reading this have – some spare cash. Whether it’s a coffee or another pair of shoes we forgo the power of the donated cash can be a huge. We hope to increase awareness, encourage some open hearted giving and maybe you can win a yoga retreat on the back of it. If you donate you can’t lose – if you don’t win a retreat you’ve done some good in the world. #positivechangeretreat
Why do we do run this giveaway? Like most decisions in life, when we look closely, we find we do them for a range for a range of motivations…. Some of it, yes, is a promotional push – we like to keep ourselves in folks’ minds. Some of it a deep desire to do something positive in the world and use the platform we have to help alleviate suffering, increase awareness or support positive change. For those interested we’ve written here about our motivations on positive change in the world.
If you’ve got the bug and and are looking for things to do to help the planet here are four things that we believe are worthwhile. Imagine if everyone did this – big shifts could be made. It starts easy and gets more challenging 😉
1. Use Ecosia as your search engine. It’s a search engine option in Firefox, Chrome etc. Your searches generate advertising revenues. With Ecosia this is ploughed into planting trees. Easy.
2. Join Avaaz Campaigns that keep you inspired from a pro-active group.
3. Reduce animal products for the environment, compassion as well as your health.
4. Reduce plastic. Recycling can only take us so far. Try a plastic free week – buy nothing with any plastic.
The state of the environment can be depressing. Let’s live and love life. We hope to cram together an out-takes video from the last ten years but for now here is some silliness from the early years.